alking about planned future events
16/11/13: Find the meaning of the idiomatic expressions
15/11/13: Have + object + infinitive / -ing form
13/11/13: Sentence completion exercise
12/11/13: Spot the mistake
10/11/13: Uses of being
08/11/13: Sentence agreement exercise
07/11/13: As, when, while and as long as
05/11/13: Conjunctions exercise
04/11/13: Using whatever
04/11/13: Conjunctions exercise
02/11/13: Expressions with take
31/10/13: Afraid, frightened and scared
29/10/13: If or whether: Grammar exercise
28/10/13: Using whether
27/10/13: General English Exercise
26/10/13: Direct and indirect speech exercise
25/10/13: General English Exercise
24/10/13: Grammar and Vocabulary Exercise
23/10/13: Vocabulary exercise
23/10/13: Grammar exercise
22/10/13: Conditional sentences exercise
21/10/13: Positive, comparative or superlative (beginner level)
19/10/13: Passive voice exercise
18/10/13: Using almost
17/10/13: Difference between can and be able to
15/10/13: The words refuse, reject, decline and deny
14/10/13: Sentence improvement
13/10/13: Actually, well and in fact
11/10/13: Collocations with heavy
10/10/13: I haven’t or I don’t have
09/10/13: Common correlative conjunctions
08/10/13: Correlative conjunctions
07/10/13: Even if and even though
06/10/13: Formation of questions: grammar worksheet
04/10/13: Past simple and past continuous: grammar exercise
03/10/13: Phrasal verbs with take exercise
02/10/13: Conditional sentences: grammar exercise
29/09/13: Active and passive voice worksheet
28/09/13: If or unless?
27/09/13: Much, many, a lot of, lots of etc
26/09/13: Concession and contrast: grammar worksheet
24/09/13: Adverbs worksheet
22/09/13: Have had and had had
20/09/13: Transformation of degrees of comparison
19/09/13: Verbs – mood and tense
18/09/13: Showing possibility using should
17/09/13: Phrasal verbs exercise
16/09/13: Infinitives after auxiliaries
15/09/13: Phrasal verbs beginning with put
14/09/13: Absolute phrase
12/09/13: An overview of participles
10/09/13: Difference between conjunctions, relative pronouns and relative adverbs
08/09/13: Most and most of: grammar exercise
07/09/13: Have and have got: differences
05/09/13: Noun clauses
03/09/13: Simple present or present continuous?
02/09/13: Past simple or present perfect tense?
31/08/13: Reduced adverb clauses – Part II
30/08/13: Reduced adverb clauses – Part I
29/08/13: Enough: grammar exercise
28/08/13: The relative pronouns which, whose and what
27/08/13: Adjective phrase
26/08/13: Copular or linking verbs
25/08/13: State verbs and action verbs
24/08/13: That instead of when and where
24/08/13: Reduced relative clauses
23/08/13: Common prepositional phrases
23/08/13: What are prepositional phrases?
22/08/13: Prepositions before that-clauses
22/08/13: Adverbs with two forms
22/08/13: Prepositions before question words
21/08/13: Active and passive voice exercise
21/08/13: Simple present / Present continuous: Grammar exercise
20/08/13: Subject and object question
20/08/13: No sooner … than, Hardly…when
19/08/13: So, such, very, too: grammar exercise
19/08/13: Adjectives or present participles
18/08/13: Verbs: Some common mistakes
18/08/13: Prepositions: some common mistakes
17/08/13: Using for
17/08/13: Using since
16/08/13: Subject verb agreement: some problem points
16/08/13: Subject-verb agreement: either, neither, nor, or
15/08/13: Agreement of the verb with the subject
14/08/13: Expressing concession and contrast
12/08/13: The subjunctive
11/08/13: Verb terminology
10/08/13: Common mistakes with conjunctions
09/08/13: Conjunctive adverbs exercise
07/08/13: On the other hand, while and whereas
05/08/13: Sentence connectors exercise
04/08/13: Connecting words exercise
03/08/13: Using more
01/08/13: Modals in conditional sentences
31/07/13: First conditional alternate forms
30/07/13: Conditional sentences overview
29/07/13: Who and whom
28/07/13: General English Exercise
27/07/13: Obligation and freedom to act
26/07/13: Grammar and phrasal verbs exercise
25/07/13: Do or would?
24/07/13: Maybe, perhaps and possibly
23/07/13: It’s high time…
22/07/13: Below, under and beneath
21/07/13: Sentence fragments
20/07/13: How to make your writing more formal?
20/07/13: Parts of speech exercise
19/07/13: Figures of speech overview
19/07/13: Figures of speech
18/07/13: TOEFL essay writing tips
17/07/13: Copular verbs and action verbs
16/07/13: Verbs worksheet
15/07/13: Being imprecise in English
14/07/13: Present and past participles
13/07/13: Grammar exercise
11/07/13: General writing tips for TOEFL and IELTS
11/07/13: Spotting the error
10/07/13: Countable and uncountable nouns exercise
09/07/13: Sentence improvement exercise
08/07/13: Using enough to combine two clauses
07/07/13: Enough exercise
05/07/13: English grammar and vocabulary test
03/07/13: Common mistakes in the use of some conjunctions
02/07/13: Common mistakes in the use of nouns and adjectives
01/07/13: Passive voice exercise
01/07/13: English grammar exercise
30/06/13: Eliminate incomplete sentences from your writing
29/06/13: Passive voice exercise
27/06/13: Joining two simple sentences into another simple sentence
26/06/13: Passive verb forms exercise
25/06/13: Adverb clause of time
23/06/13: Combining two sentences using so…that…
22/06/13: Conditional forms exercise
19/06/13: Indirect speech exercise
18/06/13: Identifying and non-identifying relative clauses
17/06/13: The relative pronoun that
16/06/13: Types of sentences
15/06/13: General English Exercise
14/06/13: Grammar Exercise
13/06/13: Reported speech exercise
12/06/13: General English Exercise
11/06/13: Tenses and the time adverbs used with them
10/06/13: Time adverbs used with the present tense
09/06/13: Sentence correction exercise
08/06/13: General English Exercise
07/06/13: Rules for the use and omission of articles
06/06/13: Grammar exercise
05/06/13: Color related idioms
04/06/13: Special uses of the simple present tense
03/06/13: Common grammar exceptions
01/06/13: General English Exercise 2
31/05/13: General English Exercise 1
29/05/13: Words used to connect clauses
28/05/13: Prepositional phrases
27/05/13: General English Exercise
26/05/13: Phrasal verbs with stand
25/05/13: Tenses in subordinate clauses
24/05/13: Words confused
23/05/13: Some useful spelling rules
22/05/13: Phrasal verbs exercise
20/05/13: The future perfect tense
19/05/13: Use the past simple with a past time reference
18/05/13: Object of a preposition
16/05/13: Phrasal verbs exercise
15/05/13: Like and without
14/05/13: Four ways to join clauses
13/05/13: Common comma errors
12/05/13: Completing sentences
11/05/13: Articles exercise
10/05/13: Tense consistency exercise
09/05/13: Adjective or adverb?
08/05/13: Three ways of writing a sentence
07/05/13: Not so common reporting verbs
06/05/13: Semicolon before a transitional phrase
05/05/13: Gerund or infinitive exercise
04/05/13: Plural uncountable nouns
02/05/13: Defining and non-defining relative clauses
01/05/13: Prepositions used to introduce objects
29/04/13: Prepositions indicating position close to a point
28/04/13: Sentence correction: grammar exercise
27/04/13: Subordinating One Clause to Another
26/04/13: The need to combine sentences and some common methods of sentence synthesis
25/04/13: Simple past or present perfect tense
24/04/13: Gap fills exercise
22/04/13: Even, even if, even though and even as
21/04/13: Different uses of that
19/04/13: Using if
18/04/13: Like as a preposition and conjunction
17/04/13: Using except
16/04/13: Conversion of a compound sentence into a complex sentence
15/04/13: Easily confused words
14/04/13: Transformation of sentences
13/04/13: Using along
12/04/13: Across and through grammar exercise
11/04/13: Across as a preposition and an adverb
10/04/13: Transitional adverbs exercise
09/04/13: Using the demonstrative pronouns
08/04/13: Prepositions exercise
07/04/13: Enough as an adjective and adverb
06/04/13: Absolute adjectives
05/04/13: Conjunctions exercise
04/04/13: Prepositions exercise
03/04/13: Sentence transformation exercise
02/04/13: Sequence of tenses: grammar exercise
31/03/13: Joining two sentences using adjective clauses
30/03/13: Joining two sentences using a noun clause
29/03/13: Instead as an adverb and preposition
28/03/13: Sentence patterns using to-infinitives
27/03/13: Using relative clauses
25/03/13: Using as and like
25/03/13: Grammar exercise
24/03/13: General English Exercise
21/03/13: Using much and many
20/03/13: Personal pronouns exercise
19/03/13: Idiomatic expressions with put
17/03/13: Mistakes in the use of copular verbs
15/03/13: Whether … or …
14/03/13: Word forms exercise
13/03/13: Degrees of comparison exercise
12/03/13: Identify the type of conditional clauses
11/03/13: Prepositional phrases exercise
09/03/13: Using the future continuous tense
08/03/13: Identify the tense form
07/03/13: Rewrite using no sooner than
06/03/13: Using no sooner than….
05/03/13: Present perfect tense exercise
04/03/13: Mistakes in the use of prepositions
03/03/13: Rewrite sentences without changing the meaning
02/03/13: Formation of questions
01/03/13: Reporting statements
28/02/13: Past continous tense exercise
27/02/13: Rewrite in the proper order
26/02/13: Match up
25/02/13: As and like: grammar exercise
24/02/13: Few, a few, little, a little: grammar exercise
23/02/13: Go, get, grow and turn: exercise
22/02/13: Gerund or infinitive?
21/02/13: Using through
20/02/13: Using that
19/02/13: Using modal auxiliaries
18/02/13: Time expressions used with tenses
17/02/13: Present participle or past participle
16/02/13: Using adverbs
14/02/13: Relative pronouns used to introduce adjective clauses
13/02/13: Correct use of some prepositions and transitional adverbs
12/02/13: Using prepositions and transitional adverbs
11/02/13: The use of was and were in the 2nd conditional
09/02/13: What’s the origin of the word ‘blackleg’?
08/02/13: Mistakes in the use of conjunctions
07/02/13: Only, alone, lonely
07/02/13: Future with will and going to
06/02/13: Common mistakes in the use of prepositions
06/02/13: Simple past and past continuous
05/02/13: Simple past and past continuous tense: exercise
04/02/13: Will or going to: grammar exercise
02/02/13: First conditional worksheet
01/02/13: Do…ing
31/01/13: Structures with why
30/01/13: Conditional forms exercise
29/01/13: Indirect questions exercise
28/01/13: Since and for
27/01/13: Second conditional worksheet
26/01/13: Some discourse markers
25/01/13: Short answers
24/01/13: Short answers exercise
23/01/13: Teaching the present continuous tense
22/01/13: Learning the simple present tense
21/01/13: Must and have (got) to
20/01/13: Will and going to exercise
18/01/13: Can and be able to
16/01/13: British and American English vocabulary exercise
16/01/13: British and American English: differences
13/01/13: Conditional forms exercise
12/01/13: So, too, very: grammar worksheet
10/01/13: Common writing mistakes – part 2
10/01/13: Common mistakes in ESL writing – part I
09/01/13: Exclamatory sentences
08/01/13: Practice, practise, advice, advise etc.
05/01/13: How to conjugate verbs – part II
04/01/13: How to conjugate verbs in English – Part I
03/01/13: Prepositions exercise
02/01/13: Auxiliary verbs exercise
01/01/13: Sequence of tenses: when the main clause is in the present or future tense
31/12/12: Reported speech exercise
30/12/12: Tenses exercise
29/12/12: Preposition at, on and in
28/12/12: Choice of active and passive structures
27/12/12: Present perfect or simple past?
26/12/12: Prepositional phrases
25/12/12: Phrasal verbs with put
24/12/12: Just as a time expression
22/12/12: Rewrite using it is / it was
21/12/12: Simple present tense worksheet
20/12/12: Passive voice structures with infinitives
19/12/12: Changing a sentence into the passive when the active verb is in the future perfect tense
18/12/12: Simple present tense worksheet
17/12/12: Gerunds and infinitives
16/12/12: Relative pronouns exercise
15/12/12: Difference between past continuous and past perfect continuous tenses
15/12/12: Time prepositions
14/12/12: Time indicated by modal auxiliary verbs
13/12/12: Sequence of tenses: when the main clause is in the past tense
12/12/12: Changing a sentence into the passive voice when the active verb is in the simple future tense
11/12/12: Changing a sentence into the passive when the active verb is in the past perfect tense
10/12/12: Using have
09/12/12: Present continuous tense worksheet
08/12/12: Changing a sentence into the passive when the active verb is in the simple past or past continuous tense
07/12/12: Interchange of one part of speech with another
05/12/12: Identifying a verb
04/12/12: Changing a sentence into the passive voice
03/12/12: Verb forms
02/12/12: Using the past perfect tense
01/12/12: Past continuous tense exercise
30/11/12: Active and passive voice: overview chart
29/11/12: Using the present perfect tense
28/11/12: Using must, should and ought to
27/11/12: Should with perfect infinitive
26/11/12: Changing sentences in the simple present tense into passive
25/11/12: Passives: some special points
24/11/12: Time adverbs used with the present perfect tense
23/11/12: Present perfect continuous tense
22/11/12: Difference between present perfect and present perfect continuous tenses
21/11/12: Simple present and present perfect tense
20/11/12: Auxiliary verbs exercise
20/11/12: Simple present or present continuous tense
18/11/12: Using may, might, can and could
17/11/12: First conditional sentences exercise
16/11/12: Present perfect and simple future
15/11/12: How to report questions?
14/11/12: Transformation of sentences using the comparative and the superlative
13/11/12: Third conditional grammar exercise
12/11/12: Can and could: interpersonal uses
11/11/12: Relative pronouns worksheet
10/11/12: Using need
07/11/12: Prepositions exercise for kids
06/11/12: Relative clauses and relative pronouns
05/11/12: Future perfect tense worksheet
04/11/12: Simple past tense worksheet
03/11/12: Verb patterns and structures
02/11/12: Verb patterns
01/11/12: Double use of relative pronouns
31/10/12: Some conjunctions
30/10/12: Sentence correction worksheet
29/10/12: Phrasal verbs with bring
28/10/12: Common word combinations
27/10/12: Using should
26/10/12: Active and passive voice worksheet
25/10/12: Uses of the verb do
24/10/12: Match-ups
23/10/12: Grammar exercise
22/10/12: Possessive pronouns and adjectives
21/10/12: Use of the words he/she, him/her and his/hers etc.
20/10/12: Phrasal verbs with break
19/10/12: Conjunctions worksheet
18/10/12: Affirmative answers
17/10/12: Time expressions with the simple present tense: grammar worksheet
16/10/12: Prepositions after particular words and expressions
15/10/12: Prepositions after particular words and expressions
15/10/12: Collective nouns worksheet
14/10/12: Phrasal verbs with take
13/10/12: Subject-verb agreement
12/10/12: Later and latter: grammar exercise
11/10/12: The positive, comparative and superlative degrees
10/10/12: Negative replies
09/10/12: Auxiliary verbs exercise
08/10/12: Should / ought to / must have + past participle
07/10/12: Prepositions worksheet
06/10/12: Whose and who’s
05/10/12: Adverbs of degree exercise
03/10/12: Verbs of incomplete predication
02/10/12: A few and the few
01/10/12: Rather as an adverb of degree
30/09/12: Infinitives and -ing forms exercise
29/09/12: Relative pronouns exercise
28/09/12: Using either and neither
27/09/12: Articles exercise
26/09/12: Position of subordinate clauses
25/09/12: Adverb clauses
24/09/12: Personal pronouns exercise
23/09/12: Conjunctions exercise
21/09/12: Simple future tense
20/09/12: Passive voice exercise
19/09/12: Changing rules of formal and informal writing
17/09/12: Transitive and intransitive verbs exercise
16/09/12: Using the future continuous tense
15/09/12: Relative pronouns exercise
14/09/12: Future continuous tense
13/09/12: Possessive pronouns exercise
12/09/12: Present tense exercise
11/09/12: Question tags exercise
10/09/12: Using too…to
09/09/12: Joining two sentences using if and unless
08/09/12: If and unless exercise
07/09/12: Using if and unless
06/09/12: Special note on the use of will and shall
05/09/12: Use of ever with question words for emphasis
04/09/12: Fairly, quite, rather and pretty
03/09/12: Using adjectives
31/08/12: Formation of questions
30/08/12: Introductory it: exercise
29/08/12: Using either…or and neither…nor
28/08/12: Using seem
27/08/12: Sentence improvement exercise
26/08/12: How to write a thank-you letter?
25/08/12: Make, take or leave: grammar exercise
23/08/12: Letter writing
22/08/12: Direct and indirect speech exercise
21/08/12: Passive voice exercise
20/08/12: Parts of speech exercise
19/08/12: Stative verbs
18/08/12: How to write more complex sentences?
17/08/12: Do and have exercise
16/08/12: Adverb conjunctions
15/08/12: What is the predicate?
14/08/12: Difference between no and not
13/08/12: Rewrite with it
12/08/12: How to build sentences – part I
11/08/12: What is a phrase? (Beginner level)
10/08/12: Causative verb forms
09/08/12: Using the phrase used to
08/08/12: Active and passive voice exercise
07/08/12: Gerund and infinitives with advise, allow and permit
06/08/12: Idioms and phrases with play
05/08/12: Correct use of some prepositions
04/08/12: Miscellaneous grammar mistakes
03/08/12: Phrasal verbs with pass exercise
02/08/12: Phrasal verbs with pass
30/07/12: Collocations
28/07/12: Using from
27/07/12: Adjective or adverb: grammar exercise
25/07/12: Travel expressions
24/07/12: Advanced level grammar review: exercise 2
23/07/12: Adverbs exercise
22/07/12: Difference between bring, take and fetch
21/07/12: Talking about what you are doing at the moment
20/07/12: To, with and by: grammar exercise
20/07/12: Some prepositional phrases
19/07/12: So, to and for exercise
18/07/12: Reporting questions
17/07/12: Using the past perfect tense
16/07/12: Reported speech: backshifting
15/07/12: Advanced level grammar review exercise 1
14/07/12: Time expressions: as and while
13/07/12: How to form negative verb forms
12/07/12: See, look and watch exercise
11/07/12: Using to and for
10/07/12: Using see
09/07/12: Care as a verb and a noun
08/07/12: Subject and object pronouns exercise
07/07/12: As, than and that exercise
05/07/12: Omission of that exercise
04/07/12: Omission of that
03/07/12: Common noun + preposition combinations
02/07/12: Using rather
01/07/12: Adjective – positive or negative?
30/06/12: Gerund and present participle
29/06/12: The qualifying infinitive
28/06/12: Tense recognition exercise
27/06/12: Sentence correction
26/06/12: Verbs followed by gerunds and infinitives
24/06/12: Position of objects
23/06/12: Noun clause markers
22/06/12: Word order: position of verbs
21/06/12: Word order: position of adjectives
20/06/12: Reported speech exercise
19/06/12: Structures with so
18/06/12: Using suggest
17/06/12: Adverb clause of concession or supposition
16/06/12: Formation of negatives
15/06/12: Up as a preposition and adverb particle
14/06/12: Compound conjunctions
12/06/12: How do auxiliaries differ from other verbs?
11/06/12: Different uses of about
10/06/12: Writing numbers
09/06/12: How to connect sentences?
07/06/12: Conjunctions exercise
06/06/12: Two-word verbs quiz
04/06/12: Using must
02/06/12: Errors in the use of nouns and verbs: exercise
01/06/12: Match up: grammar exercise
31/05/12: Two-word verbs exercise
30/05/12: Comparative and superlative forms
29/05/12: Interrogative pronouns
28/05/12: Phrasal verbs with come: exercise
27/05/12: Sentence transformation
26/05/12: What are conditional forms?
25/05/12: Using as
24/05/12: Mixed conditional: exercise
22/05/12: Adverbs with two forms
21/05/12: Contractions worksheet
18/05/12: Quantifiers exercise
17/05/12: Time adverbs exercise
15/05/12: Other, another and others: exercise
14/05/12: Adjective or present participle
12/05/12: Errors in the use of relative pronouns
11/05/12: Errors in the use of articles
10/05/12: Articles with uncountable nouns
09/05/12: Reflexive and emphatic pronouns exercise
08/05/12: Direct and indirect speech exercise
07/05/12: Verbs: some common mistakes
06/05/12: Contractions overview
05/05/12: Defining and non-defining adjective clauses
04/05/12: Common mistakes with conjunctions
02/05/12: Active and passive voice exercise
01/05/12: Mistakes in the use of adjectives
30/04/12: Words confused
29/04/12: Position of adjectives
28/04/12: Words commonly confused
27/04/12: Errors in the use of adverbs
26/04/12: Tenses exercise
25/04/12: Uses of the impersonal pronoun it
24/04/12: Correct use of demonstrative pronouns
23/04/12: Nouns that exist only in the singular or plural form
22/04/12: Punctuation and capitalization exercise (beginner level)
22/04/12: Use of certain longer and shorter alternatives
21/04/12: Inseparable phrasal verbs exercise
20/04/12: Adverbs exercise
19/04/12: Important tenses: overview
18/04/12: Phrasal verbs exercise
17/04/12: Phrasal verbs exercise
16/04/12: Phrasal verbs with see
15/04/12: Gerund or infinitive – grammar exercise
12/04/12: Words confused
11/04/12: Adverb complements
10/04/12: Confusing words exercise
09/04/12: Some and some of
08/04/12: Intransitive phrasal verbs exercise
07/04/12: Adjective or adverb exercise
06/04/12: Words ending in -man
05/04/12: Using want
03/04/12: Inversion
02/04/12: Different kinds of phrasal verbs
31/03/12: Get and go exercise
30/03/12: Words confused
29/03/12: The least and the fewest
28/03/12: Prepositional phrases exercise
27/03/12: Subject – verb agreement
26/03/12: The need for auxiliary verbs
25/03/12: Get with infinitives and –ing forms
24/03/12: Learn English Writing
23/03/12: Verbs with two objects
22/03/12: Summarizing
20/03/12: Be and have
18/03/12: Sentence correction exercise
17/03/12: How to write a short story
16/03/12: Essay writing: why you must strive for variety and coherence
16/03/12: Essays: history and definition
15/03/12: Note on reflexive pronouns
15/03/12: Special tense use with if
13/03/12: Passive voice exercise
12/03/12: Sentence patterns using question word clauses
10/03/12: Possessive pronouns exercise
09/03/12: Personal pronouns exercise
08/03/12: Present perfect tense exercise
07/03/12: Time expressions with simple present tense
06/03/12: Sentence synthesis exercise
05/03/12: Find the mistake – prepositions
04/03/12: Countable and uncountable nouns exercise
03/03/12: Some prepositional phrases
02/03/12: Compound and complex sentence exercise
01/03/12: Passive voice exercise
29/02/12: Passives: verbs with object + infinitive
28/02/12: Find the mistake – perfect tenses
27/02/12: Sentence correction: adverbs of frequency
26/02/12: Infinitive with its own subject
25/02/12: Possessives exercise
24/02/12: Sentence agreement exercise
23/02/12: Rewrite sentences as directed
21/02/12: Special structures with be
20/02/12: For, since, in and from: grammar exercise
19/02/12: Vocabulary exercise
18/02/12: For, to and so (that) exercise
17/02/12: In spite of, despite and because of
15/02/12: Too and enough exercise
14/02/12: Verb + prepositions exercise
13/02/12: Verb + adverb particle exercise
12/02/12: Using like
12/02/12: Have to and have got to
10/02/12: Have and have got
09/02/12: Hear and listen to exercise
07/02/12: Verbs of perception
05/02/12: Fronting: rules for the inversion of adverbs
04/02/12: Prepositions exercise
03/02/12: All / any / none + the + comparative
02/02/12: If clauses: special points to note
01/02/12: Comparatives exercise
31/01/12: Adverbs of time exercise
30/01/12: Of with determiners
29/01/12: Punctuation exercise
28/01/12: Verb patterns with present perfect tense
27/01/12: Verb patterns: subject + verb + object + object complement
25/01/12: Indirect speech exercise
24/01/12: Sentence synthesis exercise
23/01/12: Difference between simple and continuous tense forms
22/01/12: Match up (adverbs of time)
20/01/12: Find the mistakes
19/01/12: Some, any or a/an
18/01/12: Verbs followed by -ing forms – part II
17/01/12: Verbs followed by -ing forms – part I
16/01/12: Simple present or present continuous
15/01/12: All and every exercise
14/01/12: Inversion after negative words
13/01/12: Using every
12/01/12: That-clauses
11/01/12: Good and well exercise
10/01/12: Adverbs grammar exercise
09/01/12: Used to exercise
08/01/12: They, them, their, theirs exercise
07/01/12: Gerunds after prepositions
06/01/12: Sentence connectors showing cause and effect
05/01/12: Sentence connectors showing contrast
05/01/12: Sentence connectors showing addition
04/01/12: Sentence pattern – part II
03/01/12: Sentence patterns – part I
02/01/12: Verb forms exercise
01/01/12: Sentence correction exercise
31/12/11: Adjectives used only in attributive position
30/12/11: Modification of nouns
29/12/11: Relative pronouns exercise
29/12/11: Possessive pronouns and adjectives
27/12/11: End position adverbs
26/12/11: Grammar structures with need
25/12/11: Gerunds or infinitives exercise
24/12/11: Infinitive or -ing form?
23/12/11: Prepositions exercise
22/12/11: Position of adverbs of time and frequency
21/12/11: Match the following
20/12/11: If clauses exercise (match the following)
19/12/11: Ordinary tense use in if-clauses
18/12/11: Using know
16/12/11: Three ways of expressing the same idea
15/12/11: Sentence correction
14/12/11: Indirect speech exercise
13/12/11: Sentence transformation exercise
10/12/11: Some adverb phrases in common use
09/12/11: Clauses exercise
07/12/11: Demonstrative and indefinite pronouns exercise
06/12/11: Special uses of would, could and might
05/12/11: Idioms and phrasal verbs exercise
04/12/11: Uses of comma in a simple sentence
02/12/11: How to report commands and requests
01/12/11: How to join two sentences by using an infinitive
30/11/11: Inseparable phrasal verbs
30/11/11: Separable phrasal verbs
29/11/11: Sentence completion exercise
29/11/11: Sentence transformation exercise
28/11/11: Identify the noun clause
27/11/11: A lot of, lots of and a lot
26/11/11: Common mistakes in the use of articles
25/11/11: Shall and will exercise
24/11/11: The need for auxiliary verbs
22/11/11: Changing imperative into interrogative
21/11/11: Common word combinations exercise
18/11/11: Verb + object + complement
16/11/11: Difference between present continuous and be going to
16/11/11: When do we use present tenses to talk about the future?
15/11/11: Sentence synthesis
14/11/11: ‘ing’ forms used like nouns
12/11/11: Sentence synthesis exercise
11/11/11: Sentence conversion exercise
10/11/11: Proper placement of clauses and phrases
07/11/11: Sentence transformation exercise
05/11/11: Mistakes with verbs
04/11/11: Why and why not
03/11/11: May / might + have + past participle
02/11/11: Participles exercise
30/10/11: Plural uncountable nouns
27/10/11: Sentence correction
26/10/11: The…the… with comparative adjectives
25/10/11: Special uses of some adverbs
24/10/11: Analysis of complex sentence
24/10/11: Adverb clauses of comparison
23/10/11: Unclear sentences
23/10/11: Conjunctions exercise
22/10/11: Miscellaneous grammar mistakes
19/10/11: Grammar terms: simple sentence, singular, split infinitive
19/10/11: Grammar terms: Sentence Adverb and sequence of tenses
17/10/11: Negatives exercise
17/10/11: Adjectives exercise
15/10/11: Auxiliary verbs exercise
14/10/11: Introductory it exercise
14/10/11: Infinitives exercise
12/10/11: Plural nouns with singular verbs
11/10/11: Adverbs exercise
10/10/11: Adding contradictory remarks
09/10/11: Conditional clauses exercise
08/10/11: Subordinate clause
06/10/11: Using next and nearest
04/10/11: Using Colon
03/10/11: Formation of questions exercise
02/10/11: Arrange words and form meaningful sentences
01/10/11: Verbs Exercise For Kids
30/09/11: Questions Worksheet
29/09/11: This and that worksheet
28/09/11: How to summarize a given passage
27/09/11: Transforming negative sentences into the affirmative
26/09/11: Rewrite with nouns
25/09/11: Prepositions exercise
24/09/11: Phrasal verbs exercise
23/09/11: Verbs followed by infinitives without to
22/09/11: Linking words exercise
20/09/11: Paragraph writing tips
19/09/11: Direct and Indirect Speech Exercise
18/09/11: Adjective clause
17/09/11: Grammatical terms
16/09/11: Grammar terms beginning with P
15/09/11: Adverb clause
14/09/11: Uses of that
13/09/11: Grammar terms beginning with letter N
13/09/11: Grammar terms with M
10/09/11: Grammar terms beginning with letter L
08/09/11: Grammar terms beginning with letter F
07/09/11: Grammar terms beginning with letters D and E
06/09/11: Grammar terms beginning with Letter D
05/09/11: Grammar terms beginning with C
03/09/11: Grammar terms
02/09/11: Using afraid
01/09/11: Grammar terms
31/08/11: Grammar terms beginning with the letter I
30/08/11: Using present perfect continuous tense
29/08/11: Sentence Synthesis Exercise
28/08/11: Expressions with care
26/08/11: Singular subject, plural complement
25/08/11: Countable and uncountable nouns: special cases
25/08/11: Parts of speech exercise
23/08/11: Position of adverbs: difference between British and American English
21/08/11: Countable nouns
21/08/11: Using So
20/08/11: Position of adverbs of certainty and place
18/08/11: Adjectives order before nouns
17/08/11: Correct use of some adjectives
16/08/11: Sentence Synthesis Exercise
14/08/11: Words with appropriate prepositions
13/08/11: Joining two or more simple sentences into one compound sentence
12/08/11: Words with appropriate prepositions
11/08/11: Sentence synthesis exercise
09/08/11: Ways of combining two or more simple sentences into one simple sentence
07/08/11: More about object complements
06/08/11: Sentence correction
05/08/11: Cases where words can be left out
04/08/11: Participles as adjectives
03/08/11: Rhetorical questions
02/08/11: The relative pronouns what, as and but
01/08/11: Formation of a complex sentence with an adjective clause
31/07/11: Forming a complex sentence with an adverb clause
30/07/11: Relative pronouns exercise
29/07/11: Prepositions exercise
28/07/11: Would and should
27/07/11: Perfect tenses in the subordinate clause
26/07/11: Therefore, hence, so, then, thus etc
25/07/11: Talking about changes using turn and fall
23/07/11: The conjunctions and, or and but
22/07/11: So much and so many
21/07/11: Words ending in -ise and -ize
20/07/11: Words that can be left out
19/07/11: Soon, Early and Quickly
18/07/11: Change of tenses in reported speech
17/07/11: Indirect speech exercise
16/07/11: Gender in English
15/07/11: Auxiliary verbs exercise
14/07/11: Come and Go
13/07/11: Verb patterns with take
12/07/11: Two-word verbs
09/07/11: Have got to
09/07/11: Gerunds of participles exercise
07/07/11: Common mistakes
06/07/11: All or every: exercise
04/07/11: Position of adverbs exercise
03/07/11: Sequence of tenses quiz
02/07/11: Until and Till
01/07/11: Tenses exercise
30/06/11: Active and passive voice exercise
29/06/11: More and most with short adjectives
28/06/11: Common idioms with take
27/06/11: Verb complementation
25/06/11: Hear, see etc + object + infinitive without to
24/06/11: Do so, do it and do that
23/06/11: Complements of verbs, nouns and adjectives
22/06/11: Grammar Exercise
21/06/11: Do as an ordinary and auxiliary verb
20/06/11: Personal pronouns exercise
19/06/11: Commonly confused prepositions part 2
19/06/11: Commonly confused prepositions
17/06/11: Change into plural
16/06/11: Possessive adjectives worksheet
15/06/11: Grammar Exercise
14/06/11: Reported speech exercise
14/06/11: Reporting: Advanced points
12/06/11: Reporting promises, orders, requests, advice etc
11/06/11: Reporting Questions
10/06/11: Detailed rules for change of tenses in indirect speech
09/06/11: Indirect Speech: Change in Pronouns, Adverbs and Tenses
09/06/11: Direct and Indirect Speech
08/06/11: Reporting past tenses
06/06/11: Difference between below and under
05/06/11: Make Negative Sentences
04/06/11: Punctuation Exercise
03/06/11: If and Unless Exercise
01/06/11: If-clauses exercise
31/05/11: Whether or If
30/05/11: Talking about finished events connected with the present
29/05/11: Contractions exercise
27/05/11: Speak and Talk: Difference
25/05/11: Common mistakes in the use of personal pronouns
24/05/11: Overworked words – nice and get
24/05/11: Participles exercise
22/05/11: Make meaningful sentences
21/05/11: Conjunctions exercise
19/05/11: Simple past tense exercise
18/05/11: Sentence correction
17/05/11: Prepositions of time – during, in, for and since
16/05/11: Words ending in -ic and-ical
15/05/11: Changing an affirmative sentence into interrogative and exclamatory
14/05/11: Prepositions of place exercise
13/05/11: Sentence correction: prepositions
12/05/11: Present perfect tense exercise
11/05/11: What as a relative pronoun
10/05/11: Possessive pronouns and adjectives exercise
09/05/11: Prepositions exercise
06/05/11: Singular and plural: details
05/05/11: Still, already and yet
04/05/11: When to use past verb forms to talk about present or future?
03/05/11: Simple present tense exercise
02/05/11: Question word + infinitive as object
01/05/11: Sentence correction
30/04/11: Inversion after negative expressions
28/04/11: Transitive and intransitive verbs exercise
26/04/11: Verbs exercise
25/04/11: Verbs that can be followed by object + infinitive
24/04/11: Tenses exercise
23/04/11: Present continuous tense exercise
23/04/11: Inversion of subject and auxiliary verb
21/04/11: Sentence synthesis exercise
20/04/11: Prepositions Exercise
19/04/11: Degree modifiers exercise
18/04/11: Uses of the future progressive tense
17/04/11: Possessives with of
16/04/11: Tenses quiz
15/04/11: Adjectives and adverbs quiz
14/04/11: The joining word whose
13/04/11: Non-assertive words
12/04/11: Sentence Synthesis Exercise
11/04/11: The joining words or, either…or and neither…nor
10/04/11: Do as a general-purpose verb
09/04/11: Formation of compound sentences using adversative conjunctions
08/04/11: Formation of compound sentences
06/04/11: Singular and plural: miscellaneous points
05/04/11: Other uses of will and shall
04/04/11: Future: will and shall
03/04/11: Present progressive and be going to
02/04/11: Infinitive clauses introduced by for + noun/pronoun
01/04/11: Prepositions Quiz # 3
31/03/11: Infinitive clause as subject and object
30/03/11: Using perfect infinitives
29/03/11: Irregular verbs
28/03/11: Rather
26/03/11: Infinitives without to
25/03/11: Talking about possibility
24/03/11: Talking about ability
23/03/11: Past verb forms with present or future meaning
22/03/11: Expressions without prepositions
21/03/11: Gradable adjectives and adverbs
20/03/11: Simultaneous events
19/03/11: At, on and in exercise
18/03/11: Articles with countable and uncountable nouns
17/03/11: Verbs with prepositions and particles
15/03/11: More about adjective clauses
14/03/11: Adjective clauses
13/03/11: More about noun clauses – part 2
12/03/11: More about noun clauses
11/03/11: Noun clauses
10/03/11: Adverb clauses of degree or comparison
09/03/11: Verbs not used in progressive forms
08/03/11: Adverb clauses of result and concession
07/03/11: Adverb clauses of condition
06/03/11: Adverb clauses of cause or reason
05/03/11: Adverb clauses of purpose
05/03/11: Adverb clauses
03/03/11: Verbs that can be followed by infinitives
02/03/11: Interchange of one part of speech for another
01/03/11: Sentence completion: Exercise
28/02/11: Correct usage of afraid
27/02/11: Modal auxiliary verbs: special points
26/02/11: Talking about certainty
25/02/11: Change into active voice
24/02/11: Pronouns: general rules
23/02/11: Attributive adjectives after nouns
22/02/11: Demonstrative pronouns
21/02/11: Word formation: exercise
20/02/11: The with superlatives
18/02/11: Past tense and past participle: exercise
17/02/11: Modal Auxiliary Verbs: Exercise
16/02/11: Changing an imperative sentence in the active voice to passive
15/02/11: Relative pronouns: exercise
14/02/11: Ways of forming the feminine gender
13/02/11: Sentence analysis: exercise
11/02/11: Adjectives: exercise
10/02/11: Adjectives or adverbs – part 2
10/02/11: Adjectives or adverbs? confusing cases
08/02/11: At, in and to: exercise
07/02/11: Sentence Agreement
06/02/11: Active and passive voice exercise
05/02/11: Nouns exercise 1
05/02/11: Future tense quiz
03/02/11: Indefinite pronouns
02/02/11: That in relative clauses
01/02/11: Restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses
31/01/11: Distributive pronouns
29/01/11: Less and least: exercise
28/01/11: Kinds of Nouns: Exercise
27/01/11: Adverb clauses of time and place
26/01/11: Verbs Quiz
25/01/11: Conjunctions Quiz
24/01/11: More and Most
23/01/11: Tenses Exercise
22/01/11: Auxiliary verbs exercise
21/01/11: Of with determiners
20/01/11: Determiner
19/01/11: Gerunds as simple nouns
18/01/11: Gerunds or present participles?
17/01/11: Prepositions Quiz 2
16/01/11: What are gerunds?
15/01/11: More on the uses of participles
13/01/11: Some conjunctions and their uses – Part 2
12/01/11: Some conjunctions and their uses
11/01/11: Short answers
10/01/11: Common Errors with verbs – Part 2
09/01/11: Common errors in the use of verbs
08/01/11: Verb patterns with it
08/01/11: It as a provisional subject
06/01/11: Uses of the to-infinitive
04/01/11: Uses of the bare infinitive
03/01/11: Structures with to-infinitives
01/01/11: Interrogative structures
31/12/10: Position of frequency adverbs
30/12/10: Must to express inference or possibility
29/12/10: Inversion of subject and verb
28/12/10: Two forms of the possessive
27/12/10: Prepositions Exercise
26/12/10: Verbs Exercise
25/12/10: Verb patterns with gerund
24/12/10: Verbs and their properties
23/12/10: What are verbal nouns?
22/12/10: Use of certain longer and shorter alternatives
21/12/10: Direct and indirect object: position
20/12/10: Adverb particles and prepositions
18/12/10: Auxiliary verbs and their equivalents
17/12/10: Uses of need
15/12/10: Uses of Must and Ought (to)
14/12/10: Uses of May and Might
13/12/10: Uses of Can and Could
11/12/10: Uses of Would
10/12/10: Uses of Should
09/12/10: Uses of shall and will
08/12/10: The need for auxiliary verbs
07/12/10: Precis-writing
06/12/10: Contractions
05/12/10: The adverb too
03/12/10: Complement clause
02/12/10: Participial adjective and participial relative clause
30/11/10: What are reflexive pronouns?
29/11/10: Singular and plural nouns
28/11/10: Imperative
27/11/10: Double negatives
26/11/10: Parts of Speech
24/11/10: Negative questions
23/11/10: Negative verb forms
22/11/10: Using Perfect Infinitives
21/11/10: Present progressive and simple present: differences
20/11/10: Punctuation: Colon
19/11/10: Comma – Part II
18/11/10: Comma
17/11/10: Grammar Terms – Conditional Sentence, Conjugation, Conjunct, Coordinate structure
16/11/10: What are complements?
15/11/10: What are copular verbs?
14/11/10: There as an introductory subject
12/11/10: Prepositions Quiz
12/11/10: What is an appositive?
10/11/10: Verbs with two objects
09/11/10: Spelling and Pronunciation
08/11/10: The question words who, which and what
07/11/10: -ing form or infinitive – part II
06/11/10: -ing form or infinitive?
05/11/10: Words ending in ‘ar’, ‘er’, ‘or’, ‘our’, ‘re’, ‘ure’, ‘ur’
04/11/10: Apostrophe
03/11/10: Hyphens
02/11/10: Spelling : capital letters
02/11/10: Useful Spelling Rules – Part II
31/10/10: Some useful spelling rules
30/10/10: How to improve your vocabulary?
29/10/10: Antecedent and Anaphor
28/10/10: Grammar terms – adverb, adverb phrases, adverb clauses and adverbial participles
27/10/10: Easily confused words Quiz 1
26/10/10: Question Tags – Advanced Points
25/10/10: Grammar terms beginning with letter A
25/10/10: Abbreviation, Acronym and Initialism
24/10/10: Tenses Quiz 1
22/10/10: Question Tags
22/10/10: Sequence of tenses
19/10/10: How to join two or more simple sentences into a single complex sentence
17/10/10: Grammar Terms – Part II
17/10/10: Grammar Terms – Part I
15/10/10: Interchange of active and passive voice
13/10/10: Interchange of degrees of comparison – part II
13/10/10: Interchange of the degrees of comparison
12/10/10: Distributives
11/10/10: Position of Adverbs – Detailed Rules
10/10/10: Determiners – Part III
09/10/10: Determiners – Part II
09/10/10: Determiners – Part I
08/10/10: Demonstratives and Possessives
07/10/10: Uses of the perfect infinitive
06/10/10: Uses of the participle – part II
06/10/10: Some uses of the participle – Part I
05/10/10: The Participle
04/10/10: Uses of the bare infinitive
04/10/10: The infinitive
02/10/10: If sentences
01/10/10: Uses of the verb have
30/09/10: Prepositions: Some special points to be noted
29/09/10: Figure of Speech Part III
25/09/10: Figures of Speech – Part III
24/09/10: Figures of Speech – Part II
22/09/10: Figures of speech – Simile and Metaphor
20/09/10: Too…to and so…that
19/09/10: Noun phrases
18/09/10: Adverb phrases
16/09/10: Adjective Phrases
16/09/10: Different forms of the predicate
14/09/10: Irregular Verbs
13/09/10: Special uses of some prepositions
12/09/10: Order of Words in a Sentence
11/09/10: Subject and Object Complements
11/09/10: Direct and indirect objects
10/09/10: Review
09/09/10: The Predicate
08/09/10: Subject attributes
07/09/10: Analysis of a sentence
06/09/10: Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences
06/09/10: Simple and Compound Sentences
03/09/10: Uses of anomalous finites – part II
02/09/10: Uses of anomalous finites
01/09/10: Anomalous finites
30/08/10: Special uses of some adverbs – Part II
30/08/10: Special uses of some adverbs
28/08/10: Correct use of conjunctions – Part III
27/08/10: Correct use of some conjunctions – part II
26/08/10: Correct use of some conjunctions
25/08/10: Kinds of co-ordinating conjunctions
25/08/10: Coordinating conjunctions
24/08/10: Correct use of prepositions – part II
23/08/10: Correct use of some prepositions
22/08/10: Relations shown by prepositions
22/08/10: Phrasal verbs
20/08/10: Some equivalents of modal auxiliary verbs
18/08/10: Dare and Had Better
18/08/10: Uses of Need
16/08/10: Must and Ought to
15/08/10: May and Might
14/08/10: Would Uses
14/08/10: Should Uses
12/08/10: Uses of shall and will
11/08/10: Modal Auxiliary Verbs and Principal Verbs – Differences
11/08/10: Auxiliary verbs Do and Can
10/08/10: Auxiliary verbs
07/08/10: Talking about the future part II
06/08/10: Talking about the future
05/08/10: Active and Passive Voice Exercise II
05/08/10: Passive Voice Exercise
03/08/10: Synthesis of sentences
02/08/10: Active or Passive Voice
01/08/10: Active and Passive Verb Forms
31/07/10: Active and Passive Voice
30/07/10: Common errors in the use of tenses – part II
28/07/10: Common errors in the use of tenses
27/07/10: Repetition of the article
25/07/10: Omission of the articles
23/07/10: Uses of the definite article
22/07/10: What are articles?
20/07/10: Formation of the possessive case
18/07/10: Noun: gender
18/07/10: The phrase and the clause
17/07/10: Formation of plurals – Part II
16/07/10: Formation of plural nouns
13/07/10: Kinds of Sentences
11/07/10: Verb – Moods
09/07/10: Past tenses – Part II
09/07/10: Uses of the past tenses Part I
07/07/10: Introductory it
06/07/10: Present perfect tense
06/07/10: Present continuous tense
04/07/10: Introductory there
02/07/10: Position of adverbs Part II
02/07/10: Gerund and Infinitive
30/06/10: Uses of the simple present tense
29/06/10: Tenses different forms
29/06/10: Tenses – introduction
28/06/10: Position of adverbs
26/06/10: The Noun: Case
24/06/10: Uses of the participle
23/06/10: What are participles?
22/06/10: Semicolon, Colon and Interrogation mark
21/06/10: Verb Patterns
19/06/10: The Full Stop and Comma
18/06/10: Degrees of Comparison
17/06/10: Story writing tips
16/06/10: What are relative pronouns?
15/06/10: Non-finite verbs
13/06/10: Correlative conjunctions
13/06/10: Subordinating conjunctions
12/06/10: Kinds of conjunctions
11/06/10: What are conjunctions?
10/06/10: Correct Use of Personal Pronouns
08/06/10: Adverbs Part II
08/06/10: What are adverbs?
08/06/10: Personal pronouns
05/06/10: Prepositions
04/06/10: Adjectives used without nouns
02/06/10: What are adjectives?
01/06/10: What are verbs?
31/05/10: What are nouns?
29/05/10: When to spell out numbers
28/05/10: Business Writing Tips
28/05/10: Ten Steps to Teaching Perfect Writing
27/05/10: Ten Common Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling Errors to Avoid in Business Writing
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